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IP/ASP association wants reduction of quota of General Line in PS Group B

No. CHQ/IPASP/CRC/2012                                            Dated :   19/11/2013. 
Ms. P. Gopinath, 
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.  

Subject : Quota of General Line in PS Group ‘B’ Examination … reg.  

Ref.       : Directorate No. A.34012/06/2011-DE dated 13th April, 2012.

Respected Madam,  

          Your kind attention is invited towards this Associations letter even number dated 15/7/2013 wherein it was requested to issue necessary instructions to SPG DIVISION to finalise the Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre early and reduce share of General Line officials from PS Gr. B examination quota i.e. from 6% to 3%. But till this date neither Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre revised nor share of General Line officials reduced from PS Gr. B examination thereby further eroding the promotional prospects of Inspectors causing frustration amongst the Inspectors cadre.  

IP/ASP Association would like to again bring to your kind notice that on introduction of Postmaster Cadre, 25% posts in Sr. Postmaster Cadre have been earmarked for HSG-I General Line Officials through promotion. Hence, out of 116 posts of Senior Postmaster, 29 posts have been given to General Line without reducing their share in PS Gr. B cadre. This has adversely affected the promotional avenues of IP/ASP cadre, and hence following CAT cases filed and admitted at Chandigarh and Hyderabad benches by two Circle branches of this Association and 5 individuals to get relief for non-holding of Sr. PM Examination. 

 Sl. No.

Name of applicant

OA No.



Priyanath Pattanayak




Devi Prasad Nayak




C. H. Vijay Gopal and G V. Shrinivasan


Andhra Circle


B. Krishna


Andhra Circle


All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Supdt. Posts, AP Circle Branch


Andhra Circle


All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Supdt. Posts, Punjab and Haryana  Circle Branch


Punjab & Haryana


Vedprakash Sharma


Himachal Pradesh

          IP/ASP Association would like to further bring to your kind notice that, Recruitment Rules for Postal Superintendents notified in 1979 to fill up  100% posts through IP Line officials who have put in 5 years of service by seniority cum fitness through Departmental promotion committee.           Department promulgated Revised Recruitment Rules on 11/3/1988 merging two erstwhile cadres viz ‘Postal Superintendent Gr. B and Postmaster Gr. B under nomenclature of PSS Group “B”. The total number of posts notified in RRs was 790. But 76 posts of Sr. Postmaster were not forming part to it although representation in the different rosters was given correctly to 866 posts. Due to the amalgamation of two cadres, the share to General line was distributed as under:   

6% of 866 Posts

i.e 52 posts

From General Line Officials who have put in 5 years services in LSG and above through LDCE.

94% of 866 Posts

i.e 814 posts

From IP Line officials who have put in 5 years services through DPC

          These Recruitment Rules were subsequently amended in the year 1994 vide Directorate memo No. 9-36/92-SPG dated 29/6/1994 and the method of filling the Posts was prescribed as  

6% of 866 Posts

i.e 52 posts

From General Line Officials who have put in 5 years services in LSG and above through LDCE.

19% of  866 Posts

i.e 165 posts

From IP Line officials who have put in 5 years services through LDCE.*

75% of 866 Posts

i.e 649 posts

From IP Line officials who have put in 5 years services through DPC

           Department has created Postmaster Cadre vide memo No. 4-17/2008-SPB.II dated 22/11/2010, and 116 PS Gr. B Posts were carved for Senior Postmaster Cadre and framed RRs for Senior Postmaster Cadre vide memo No. 137-03/2009-SPB.II dated 9/9/2010. The method for filling up of the Posts was prescribed as:  

25% of Posts

From General Line officials who have put in 2 years services in HSG-I through DPC.

75% of Posts

Through LDCE from IP Line officials in PB-2 9300-34800 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- who have put a 6 years regular services through LDCE.*

          It is further to state that as per the various Recruitment Rules the composition of Posts would be as under: 

1.    As per 1988 Recruitment Rules, total No. of Posts were 866   

General Line

052 through LDCE

IP Line

814 through DPC

2.    As per 1994 amended Recruitment Rules Total No. of Posts 866

General Line (6%)

052 through LDCE

IP Line (19%)

165 through LDCE

IP Line (75%)

649 through DPC

3.    As per Sr. PM Recruitment Rules Total No. of Posts 116 of which 29 post of General line are to be filled through DPC and 87 post from IP line i.e 100% through LDCE. Apparently these 87 posts are required to be carved out from the 19 % quota meant for IP line.

General Line (25%)

29 through DPC

IP Line (75%)

87 through LDCE

4.    Residuary PS Gr. B Total No. of Posts 866-116=750 that will form part of new recruitment rules for which revision of PS Group “B” will be required to reduce the number of posts from respective quota. As a natural justice and fair equality 116 posts should only be reduced from 6% equal to 29 post (General line) and 87 posts from 19% quota earmarked for IP line promoted through LDCE. This is so because as per postmaster recruitment rule 2010, all the 87 posts of Sr. Postmaster are to be filled from amongst the IP line having 6 year service only through Limited Departmental Examination and 29 posts from general line through DPC. There is no logic to reduce the quota from 75% quota i.e 649 post earmarked for filling through seniority cum fitness as no representation to senior most IPs/ASPs is given in Sr. Postmaster cadre through seniority cum fitness (see postmaster recruitment rule 2010).   

This Association have severally requested Directorate to issue revised Recruitment Rules for PS Gr. B cadre to correct the anomaly of fixation of quota for PS Gr. B from IP Line Officials and General Line Officials by providing 97% vacancies to PS Gr. B from IP Line and 3% by promotion of HSG-I officials from General Line through a LDCE. It is understood that few creation memos of PS Gr.B posts are not traceable at Directorate and therefore unnecessarily this vital issue is kept pending. It is also learnt that department is allowing Circle Office and RMS staff to appear in PS Group “B” by allowing transfer of 10 posts to PS Group B fleet that will increase the total number of post to 760. In that event, the apportionment would be in a different equation and should be in the following manner for fair equality as also committed before Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh bench by Directorate not to reduce the posts from 75% quota i.e 649 posts. As such there should not be reduction of 87 Sr. Postmaster posts from 649 posts earmarked for promotion to IP/ASPs through seniority cum fitness particularly when no representation to this quota is given in Sr. Postmaster promotion through DPC. IP/ASP Association is accordingly demanding following sharing out:

General Line (3%)

023 through LDCE

IP Line (12%)

091 through LDCE

IP Line (85%)

646 through DPC

It is to further intimate that this Association has already submitted detailed proposal to Directorate under letter No. CHQ/PS Gr. B/2011 dated 4/7/2011 regarding distribution of quota under each category for implementation in the interest of both IP Line and General Line officials but despite series of reminders to Department nothing has been done till this date except inviting unnecessarily 7 CAT cases. It is not understood when a particular incumbent of IP post drawing GP Rs. 4800/- is allowed / eligible to write Sr. PM Examination then why ASPs are not eligible to write the Sr. Postmaster examination as both Posts relates to one and same cadre i.e. IP cadre. It needs to be looked thoroughly into.   

It is therefore once again requested your kind honour to call upon the records from the concerned Divisions (i.e. DE and SPG) of Directorate and pass an orders to SPG DIVISION to finalise the Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre accordingly by reducing shares from each quota as proposed above. In the meantime in order to give effect to Postmaster Recruitment Rule 2010, it is suggested that junior 29 PS Group B official recruited against 52 posts and 87 junior most IP Line officials recruited through LDCE may immediately be ordered to post on the posts of Sr. Postmaster by obtaining one time option from each as per Recruitment Rules-2010.  ASPs may also be allowed to appear in Sr. Postmaster Examination and reduce 6% share of General Line officials to 3% in order to compensate IP Line before notifying the vacancies for the ensuing PS Gr. B examination.

A positive action will be highly appreciated.

With profound regards,
Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary 

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :  

1.              Shri V. P. Singh, Dy. Director General (P), Department of Posts,    
          Dak Bhawa, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001. 

2.           Ms Trishaljit Sethi, Dy. Director General (Estt.), Department of Posts,
         Dak Bhawa, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001.

3.     Shri Arun Malik, Director (SR), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan,
        Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001.

Posted by AIAIPASP 


  1. When asking about this, they should have also asked for major share as NREGS nodal officers in all the frauds.


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