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Another Cadre Restructuring Proposal believed to have been tabled in the Meeting held on 27.11.2013.

                On behalf of our union we have already submitted detailed proposals for cadre review for GROUP-C AND NON GAZETTED GROUP-B.  In view  of some latest developments on union would like to submit some more proposals  here under for further consideration
1.       Importance and need for cadre review in Dept of Posts:  L S G/ H S G ii/H S G I  cadres were identified as supervisors in our Department. In view of introduction of technologies  and  to meet other  challenges from market Dept of Posts has introduced fast track examination for promotion to LSG/HSGII/HSGI  to improve efficiency  in supervisory cadre and later the same was discontinued from 28/5/2006. But Dept of Posts has again noticed the importance and need of qualified and efficient supervisor cadre,  Dept has again introduced Post Master cadre vide order no4-17/2008-SPB-II dt 22/11/10 to improve / up Grade the functioning of Post offices to meet the present day requirement of specialization in Post office management in the light of introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase productivity that it has absolutely  become essential  and to ensure the key Post offices are headed by professional Managers. The very purpose of creating this cadre was fulfilled    from the staff side with the constant efforts by the efficient and qualified Post Masters, who are shouldering heavy  and higher responsibilities but without any improvement in financial or  promotional  aspects to these qualified Managers.
The details and responsibilities  of  Post Masters are enclosed here with in annexure I
        Hence in the light of such higher responsibilities cadre review is essential with Up Graded scales and special supervisor’s  allowance
2.       Re-designation of supervisor  cadre
In place of present Post Master HSGI/Grade III designation of the same may be re designated as Post Manager HSGI/ Grade-III as done in Railway department redesignating Station Master as Station Manager.  Other supervisors like LSG/HSGII may be re designated  as Asst Managers Grade I/ Grade II
       3       Proposed Up Graded Scales and Special Pay to Post masters/ Supervisors
LSG  /  Grade I   –    Rs    4200 up + 10% of PB + GP as Supervisory Allowance
HSG II /Grade II –    Rs   4600 up  + 20% of PB + Gp as Supervisory Allowance
HSG I  / Grade III -    Rs   4800 up  + 30% of PB + Gp as Supervisory Allowance
      4        Comparison of Pay Scales of LSG/ HSG II/ HSGI  with IPO Cadre
                Till the implementation of VI  pay omission the pay scales of IPO cadre are equality  with that of  TBOP/ LSG  cadre. But in VI pay commission the TBOP/LSG/MACPI PA was placed in the Grade pay of 2800/- where as the GP of IPO was up Graded to Rs 4200/- and now they are demanding for GP of Rs 4600/-also by accepting the proposal of merger of  IP/ASP  cadre, but the poor MACP I PA / LSG PA/Grade I Post Master cadre remain at  2800/- GP only. There was no change in the duties’ and  responsibilities of IPO cadre since 1st pay commissions to till now. But where as the duties and responsibilities of supervisor/ Post Master cadre were increased to leaps and bounds  due to implementation of various new servicers like IMO ,EMO,IMTS,MONEYGRAM, Business Post, e Post, Express parcel Post ,NREGS, social security pension payment PLI ,RPLI  and in addition to above all implementation of computerization from HO to BO level with  frequently and fast changes in technologies time and again. In a nut shell the duties and responsibilities  of PA/POST MASTERS were increased a lot in the span of last 10 years .
                Hence the Grade pay of supervisors/ Post Masters be revised as demanded above at Para no 3
                The only promotion channel to LSG/HSG II/ HSG I supervisors is Group-B and for Grade I/ II / III  Post Masters is senior Post Master only.
                At present there are 866 PSS Group –B  Posts and 116 Senior Post Master Posts
                As per the present recruitment rules the quota for each cadre in Group – B  is as follows
                                Total Group – B Posts                                                                     866
For General line officials who have put in  5 years
Service in L S G and above through L D C E  @ 6%
19% from IP line through LDC E  who have put in 5 years  service         
75% from IP/ASP line officials on seniority cum fitness                                  
                Total no of Sr Post Master Posts                                                  116
25% of Posts from General line officials who have put two years Services in HSG I / Grade III                                           
75% of Posts through LDCE from IP line 


But now the IP/ASP Association is demanding for reduction of General line quota in PSS Group – B  Posts from 6%  to 3 % on the plea that 25% Posts of Senior Post Masters cadre were allotted to General line/Post Masters cadre i.e  29 Posts out of 116 Sr Post Master Posts.
                In this connection our  union  is strongly opposing any of such move as the General line officials have already lost  so many promotional aspects-for granting of  4200/- Grade pay to IP cadre, the PA cadre  has lost 33.33% of IP Posts which were diverted to direct recruitment through staff  selection commission examination, thus out of 2117  IP Post the PA cadre has lost 706 IPO Posts due to granting  of 4200/- Gp to IP cadre and the promotion chances to PA cadre  were severely affected as they were deprived of their legitimate promotions’. Here it is very surprise to note that for granting of higher Grade pay to IP cadre the promotion chances  to PA cadre were taken away and in other words pay benefit granted to IP cadre at the cost of PA cadre which was highly injustice. Hence to cover the loss in IP cadre promotions to PA cadre the General line quotas of 6%  P S S Group  -B should be remained unaltered and be revised to 10% from present 6%.
                Regarding filling up of Sr Post Master vacancies our union demands to fill up all the said  116  Sr Post Master Posts through Post Master cadre only as separate cadre was carved out and further the HSG I Post which were being manned by ASPOS should be up grad to Sr Post Master cadre and be filled up through Post master cadre only and further proposed to modify the filling up of Sr Post Master Posts as follows
A             50% of Posts through seniority cum fitness form Grade III /HSG I officials as per the common seniority list of HSG I officials before introduction of      Post Master cadre
                B             50% of Post through LDCE examination from Post Master cadre with 5 years of
 service In the cadre
C             Further all H S G-I/Grade-III Posts in District Head Quarters be Up Grade to Sr Post Masters        
              As on date number of LSG Posts 
                   HSG II  Posts    
                   HSG I    Posts   
                                                Number of ASP Posts 
Number of IP  Posts 
No of P S S Group B /Sr Post Master Post allotted to 10341 LSG/HSG II / POST MASTER CADRE OFFICIALS
P S S Group B  
  Sr Post Masters

                Thus for 10341 supervisor cadre General line officials have got  81 / Group B/ Sr Post Masters  Posts only i e Just less than 1% only which will  show  the fate of General line officials
No of Group B Posts allotted to IP/ASP cadre through LDCE @ 19%      

No of Group Posts allotted to  ASP cadre on seniority  cum fitness’ @ 75%        

No of Sr Post master vacancies’ to IP cadre through L D C E @ 75%

Total P S S Group B/ Sr Post Master Post allotted to 4153 IP/ASP cadre                   

Thus for  4153 IP/ASP Posts 901 Group-B/Sr Post Master Posts were allotted@22%   
Total IP ASP cadre Posts      
P S S Group B  Sr Post Master Posts allotted to IP line
No of General line supervisors Posts
P S S Group B Sr Post Master Posts allotted to General line


                The above comparison will show the discrimination meted out towards General line officials and how the  PA cadre were put  in unbearable loss in promotions aspects
 Hence in this connection we propose the following changes in the recruitment rules of P S S  Group –B and  Senior Post Masters.
1.       The present general line  quota of 6% in Group-B through LDCE may please be raised  to 10% and out of the said 10% quota 5% may be given from HSG-I
Officials on Seniority cum fitness as done to ASP Cadre in Group-B Posts and reaming  5%  through LDCE among LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I who have put in 5 years service in the Cadre.
2      Regarding filling up of  Sr Post Master Posts the entire 116 Posts be filled through Post Master Cadre officials only as separate Cadre was carved out and out of which 50% through LDCE and 50% through Seniority cum fitness                                                                                                          

3      we further proposes to up Grade  HSG-I/Post Master Grade-III Posts in all district Head quarters to Senior Post Master Cadre to increase the promotional aspects to Post Master Cadre by another 500 Posts approximately which will cover the last meted out to general line officials in promotional aspects
CONCLUSION : Cadre restructuring in other Central  Govt  Departments like Income tax and Railways has already been completely, Ministry of Railways has issued orders on cadre Restructuring in Group-C vide memo Pe-III/2013/CRC14 dts 8th October 2013, after completion of cadre restructuring in Railways the Supervisory Posts in the Grade Pay at Rs 4600/ 4200 were increased  30% to 40% in all cadres which improves the promotional aspects of lower cadre in very good number and the ratio of promotional avenues between feeder and promotional  cadres are being maintained under the ratio of 40 : 60. In our Department the said ratio is highly uneven as shown above the promotion aspects to supervisory cadres is less than 1% which shows the severe  injustice causes to Group –C and non Gazetted Group – B  cadres.
Hence our union urge upon the committee to take all the above into consideration in cadre restructuring of Post Master cadre, L S G ,H S G II, and cadre officials.


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