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Details of Cadre Resctruring proposal submitted on 28.11.2013




Department of Posts has introduced fast track promotion scheme in February 2002 and conducted
two examinations in the years 2003 & 2004. As the scheme was introduced on experimental basis for
a period of 2 years and Department has reviewed the scheme after the said 2 years and decided to
continue the same. But due to strong opposition from staff side the said scheme was withdrawn w.e.f
18.05.2006.Now the department has unilaterally taken a decision to introduce Postmaster cadre vide its order no
4-17/2008-SPB/II dated 22.11.10 and also publishing the gazette notification of India no GSR741(E)
dated 09.09.2010 by identifying 1/3rd posts of LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I for Postmasters cadre. Thus
2097 LSG Posts, 511 HSG-II posts and 495 HSG-I postmasters were brought under postmasters cadre
out of 5695 LSG posts 1077 HSG-II and 1176, HSG-I posts.Firstly our union must strongly protest the introduction of such an important cadre without consulting unions, particularly when the proposal of cadre restructuring is under process in department even after constitution of cadre restructuring committee with a target date to complete
the process of cadre restructuring by Dec-2010 itself.1. After introduction of Postmaster cadre there will be 3 types of cadres in PA cadre like PA/ MACPII/MACP- III and LSG/HSG-II/ HSG- I and PM GR-I, PM GR-II/ PM GR-III creating a lot ofconfusion among the PAS and also to coming the 7th pay commission which may not able to identify
what is what?

2. Any proposal of creation of new cadre/ cadre restructuring should improve the promotional aspects
of the officials with financial benefit. But no such improvements were found in the proposal of
Postmaster grade as no separate grade pay/ special allowance was proposed.

3. At present 3 years of regular service is required to get HSG-II promotion from LSG and likewise 3
years of service is required to get HSG-I from HSG – II. But now the same was increase to 6 & 5
years respectively to get Grade II from Grade-I and also to get Grade III from Grade – II which will
be a severe set back to the promotional aspects of supervisor cadre.

4. As per existing orders 5 years of service in LSG or combined LSG/HSG-II/ HSG-I is enough for
appearing Gr-B examination. But now in the postmaster cadre the same was as 2 years service in
Grade – III for getting senior postmaster on seniority which will be another great set back and denial
of natural justice to the officials opted for postmaster cadre as they have to wait for 13 years to get
eligibility for getting Senior Postmaster (6+5+2) against present eligibility of 5 years in LSG cadre to
appear for Gr-B examination.

5. As per para 6 III of DG (P) Memo No. 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22-11-2010 “after appointment in
the Postmaster cadre their further progressive will be in the hierocracy in the postmaster cadre only”
means the officials opted for postmaster cadre are not eligible for PSS Gr-B examination which will be
another great set back to the officials opted to the cadre as they were eligible for 25% of 116 Senior
Postmaster i.e just 29 Posts only.

6. There was no difference in discharging duties of LSG posts and Grade I Postmaster likewise HSG
II/ Grade – II and HSG – I/ Grade – III as the duties of both are one and the same. But creation of
one separate cadre as Postmaster cadre from just 1/3rd of LSG/ HSG – II/ HSG –I posts will bring
no change in the efficiency of the Department. If the Department wants to improve the efficiency or
to meet challenges in the wake of introduction of technology, challenges from market and increase in
productivity, the department may divide the present LSG/ HSG-II/ HSG- I Posts as Postmaster cadre
and superior cadre, bringing all 850 HPOs and LSG/HSG II SOs under Postmaster cadre and
remaining posts of APMs/ DPMs in LSG/ HSG- II under superior cadre. Thus all HPMs/ SPMs in
LSG/ HSG-II/ HSG – I will come under postmaster cadre all APMs/ DPMs will come under
supervisor cadre.

7. Nothing was mentioned about any special financial or administrative powers to postmaster cadre.

8. No special pay/ pay scale were introduced to the Postmaster cadre.
The Postmaster cadre has no charm at all either on pay benefit or on future promotional aspects. As
per the Directorate order dated 22/11/2010 there is a need for meritorious officials for facing the
technical and marketing challenges. The officials who were promoted under FTP examination in 2003
& 2004 are working up to the satisfaction of the Department in LSG / HSG –II/ HSG – I Posts. But
this creation of Postmaster cadre caused severe uncertainty and dislocation in the supervisory cadre in
the Department.
As already explained above there was no charm in the postmaster cadre, because

1. There was no attractive pay to Postmaster cadre officials as PA who was drawing 2400/- Grade pay
will get just one increment +2800/- Grade Pay i.e 400/- increase in Grade pay to those who have
qualified immediately after completion of 5 years of eligibility service. There will not be any benefit at
all the of the officials who were qualified after 10 years of service as he might have already reached
Rs.2800/- GP in MACP – I. But where as an official who qualified in IP examination is getting 4200
GP and a proposal for revision of GP to IP cadre Rs.4600/-. Is also under active consideration of
Department as IP/ ASPOs association has already proceeded through CAT.
If the IP cadre has got 4600/- GP it will be serve discrimination in PM Grade – I will get Rs.2800/-
GP only and IP cadre is getting Rs.4200/- GP and may get even 4600/-. If they succeed in CAT or
their new proposal of merging IP/ ASPOs cadre and even by loosing gazetted status to ASPOs to get
4600/-GP.Thus if an IP who started with GP of Rs.4600/- get Rs.4800/- GP after 10 years of service in IP
Cadre i.e. in 4600/- GP and later IP will automatically get Rs.5400/- after working in 4800/- GP for
4 years. Thus an IP candidate will reach Rs. 5400/- GP with in 19 years of service in the Dept. (5
years as PA + 10 years as IP + 4 years in 4800/- GP). But the Postmaster Grade official will remain
in 4200/- Grade Pay even after completion of same 19 years of service (5 years PA @2400 GP and
2800/- GP in Grade – II. He will get 4200/- GP as Grade- III i.e. after total service of 5+6+5 = 16
years.Previously up to 4th pay commission IP Cadre it’s equallent with our LSG cadre with scale of
Rs.1400. But in 5th pay commission LSG PA was fixed at 4500 + scale. Whereas IP cadre has gone to
5500/- pay scale and now they are equating with HSG- I cadre if they got 4600/- GP.
Thus if the General line supervisors get equallent GP with IP cadre

Grade- I/ LSG will get 4200/- Grade pay
Grade – II/ HSG – II will get 4600/- Grade Pay
Grade – III/ HSG – I will get 4800/- Grade Pay.

And after continuation of 4 years in Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- this cadre will automatically get
Rs.5400/- Grade Pay as per recommendations of the 6th CPC.
If the proposed revision of GP of IP Cadre to 4600/- Grade Pay was accepted by the Department.
Grade I/ LSG will get 4600/- Grade Pay
Grade II/ HSG- II will get 4800/- Grade Pay and will automatically get 5400/- after continuation of
4 years in 4800/- Grade Pay and Grade –III/ HSG-I may get next Grade Pay of Rs.6600/- also.
Hence we demand equallent Grade Pay on par with IP Cadre will only solve the image of PA Cadre.
Reason behind the demand IP Cadre for revision of IP Grade Pay Rs.4600/-even by loosing gazetted
status to ASPOs is that every IP will reach 5400/- Grade Pay and even to 6600/- Grade Pay in their
service as previously they were stopped at 4800/- Grade Pay only. Hence we must chalk out correct
strategy to get Grade Pay equallent with IP Cadre.


In the changing scenario of the Department and to meet the challenges being faced by the
Department from Private players in the field and to meet the present day requirement of specialization
in Postal office management in the wake of introduction of Technology, challenges from market to
increase the productivity it has been absolutely become essential to ensure key post offices are headed
by professional managers, that professionally qualified, trained and meritorious officials head key post
offices with the postmaster cadre officials and also with LSG/ HSG – II, HSG – I officials as they has
to play key role in all over development of Department of Posts in India. In addition to this to man the
Aam Aadmi offices under Project Arrow scheme and also to implement the prestigious schemes of
Govt of India like NREGS, UID ADHAR cards, Social Security Pension Scheme of State Govts, BPL
Accounts, the supervisor cadre in the Dept of Posts like Postmaster cadre and LSG/HSG – II/ HSG –I
has to play key role for successful implementation of all Govt Schemes.


Postmaster Grade – III/ HSG- I officials are manning almost all Aam Aadmi HOs shouldering
higher responsibilities than any other official in the Dept. as they have to manage nearly 5o to 60
officials including all cadres like APMs/ DPMs/PAs/Postmen/ Group –D, HSG- I Postmaster will
draw/ remit nearly 5 to 10 crores from SBI to meet the cash needs to HO and SOs under the
jurisdiction of HO and also has to deal with disciplinarians proceedings as a disciplinary authority. In
addition to this the Savings Bank has to brought up to date in implementation of core banking
solutions and also has to ensure 100% delivery under Aam Aadmi and also to discharge the duties as
drawing and disbursing officer to nearly 500 to 1000 officials.
Thus the HSG – I Grade – III Postmasters are discharging the duties of highest responsibilities than
any other officials in the Department as a controlling and disciplinary authority on nearly 50 to 100
officials. Keeping in view of these hazardous duties of HSG- I/ PM Grade –III. This cadre should be
treated as Gazetted cadre to bring some charm to the cadre of HSG- I/ PM Grade- III.
In view of the higher responsibilities to be discharged by the LSG/ HSG – II. HSG- I and PM Grade-
I, II, III. The following grade pay with the special pay may please demanded.

LSG/ Grade – I – 4200/- GP + 10 % of PB +GP as supervisory allowance
HSG II/ Grade – II – 4600/- GP + 20% PB + GP as supervisory allowance
HSG – I/ Grade III – 4800/- GP + 30% of PB+ GP supervisory allowance

The very reason for non coming forward to supervisory cadre in the Department is due to no charm
and future prospectus of the cadre and also no financial benefit. Hence all the seniors are preferring to
satisfy with MACP – I, II, III only. Hence special pay may be demanded as supervisory allowances @
10%, 20 % and 30 % respectively to LSG/ HSG- II, HSG – I as mentioned above.
Increase in Financial Powers: - Keeping in view of present cost of living the financial powers of LSG/
HSG – II, HSG- I may be increased to 500/750/1000 respectively after implementation of total
computerization as even a small spare part of computer costs from Rs 300 to 500/- and getting
permission from Divisional Head is causing in ordinate delay in getting repairs of computer
peripherals which effecting the image of Department.

Finally my union would like to bring the following issues of LSG/ HSG II/ HSG – I and PM Grade I,
II, III officials.

1. Officials opted for Postmaster cadre should be allowed for PSS Group B examination.
2. LSG/ HSG II, HSG I officials working in RMS should also be permitted to appear fro PSS Group –
B examination as they were denied the same at present.
3. At present 75% PSS Group – B Posts are being filled up through ASPOs on seniority cum fitness and
in remaining 25% , 19 % to IP/ASP cadre and 6 % to general line through competitive examination.
But there was no chance to get PSS Group – B from HSG – I through seniority cum fitness. As HSG
– I is an equal lent cadre to ASPOs, we demand at least 5 to 10% IN 75 % Seniority quota of ASPOs to
be allotted to general line HSG I / Grade III officials which can improve the prospective of HSG I,
Group III officials and also gave great charm to the cadre as such provision was made to PM Grade
III officials to get Senior Postmaster Posts. The position of Group B posts at present is as follows.
Total no of posts of PSS Group- B- 866 Senior Postmaster Posts- 116
75% of 1866 through seniority cum fitness – 649
19 % of 866 posts through exam to IP Cadre – 165
6 % of 866 Posts through exam to General Line – 52.
Now the IP, ASPs, association bringing a new argument that due to implementation of Postmaster
cadre 25 % of senior postmaster posts have gone to general line Grade III officials. That means 29
Posts of 116 Senior Postmaster Posts were given to Grade III postmaster as seniority cum fitness after
remaining two years of service in Grade- III. Hence 52 PSS Group B Posts allotted under 6 % General
line quota should be reduced by 29 as they have lost their Senior Postmaster Posts to Grade III
officials. If this demand was accepted general line PSS Group B posts will come down to 52-29 = 23
only which will be a severe loss to the promotional avenues of general line officials. Hence we demand
to keep the 52 PSS Group B posts and 29 Senior Postmaster Posts under general line without affecting
the promotional chances of general line officials.
4. All the 116 posts in the Sr Postmaster cadre should be filled up from the Postmaster/HSG I, as a
separate cadre of Postmasters is carved out. The Non Gazetted HSG I Posts of Postmasters which are
being manned by the ASPs who are gazetted should be merged with the Sr Postmaster cadre Posts.
5. All the present Adhoc arrangements in HSG II, HSG I should be regularized as per the present
service condition of 3 years as a one time measure without waiting for revised recruitment rules of
6. 25% Posts of Sr. Postmaster posts shall be filled up from among the existing HSG – I officials
including Adhoc at the initial stage itself as no eligible officials in Grade III is available with 2 years of
service in Grade III on seniority cum fitness.
7. APM (accounts), Accountants may be permitted to appear for Postmaster cadre examination.
My union therefore urge upon the committee to take all the above into the consideration in cadre
restructuring of Postmaster cadre LSG, HSG II, HSG I officials cadre.


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