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Cadre Restructuring proposal for Postmaster Cadre to be taken up by Postmasters Association ,AP Circle with Directorate

Cadre restructuring in Post Master Cadre

Backdrop of creating Post Master Cadre:-

The services at Post offices offered have grown in the traditional areas of sale of stamps, booking of Money orders and registered letters as also in Savings Bank functions, especially where Post Offices disburse NREGA wages to beneficiaries. In many post offices these activities are carried out electronically, new services like e-payment, e-post etc is also offered. Further the Department has also entered into agreements with private players like Western Union for money transfers. In the area of mail, both express, parcel and traditional, the Department of Posts faces tremendous competition. It has to offer excellent services by way of continuous upgrades in quality and in the add on value of its mail products, like 100, national billing, same day delivery of corporate mail etc

Thus, Department of Posts had created Post Master cadre three years back by carving out 33% of LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I posts as Gr.I, Gr.II and Gr.III respectively.  “to improve/upgrade the functioning of the Post Offices, meet the present day requirement of specialization in Postal office management in the wake of introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase productivity that it has absolutely become essential and to ensure that key Post Offices are headed by professional managers.”   We hope that the very purpose of creating this cadre is fulfilled from our side with constant efforts.  The Department has been benefited by creating this cadre because almost all Gr.I/II Post offices are working efficiently in India when compared to previous period in MNOP and CBS projects.  In future also, Department has to depend on this cadre to implement various project under India Post, 2012.

Directorate clearly stated that these posts are carved out from existing General line posts (LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I).  But practically, they are deprived in discharging their duties as sub-appointing authorities like LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I officials i.e. writing of APARs/granting of leave for Postmen and  appointing authority for GDS MD and Packer posts available in LSG/HSG-II and HSG-I offices.  All Post offices identified under Post Master Cadre are Head Post Offices, Mukhya Dak Ghars, Offices identified for Core Banking Solution (CBS), major delivery Offices and Offices located in prime locations serving as face of India Post.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Post Master in independent post offices:-

            A Post Master is involved in each and every work of a post office.  From Postal Manual Volume-I to Volume-VI and PO Guide part-I to Part-II and POSB Manual Vol.I and Vol.II, he is involving in every transaction of a post office.  To elaborate all kinds of duties it will take another 2 to 3 pages and hence we have not mentioned here. But, apart from above, the following duties are additional to them due to computerization of a Post office.

1.    Responsible for the maintenance of records and submission of due returns.

2.    Responsible to check the stamp advances and Franking Machine reading.

3.    Responsible for proper maintenance of all hardware and will maintain History sheet in respect of system/peripherals up to date.

4.    Personally responsible to handle server and ensure that no unauthorized person accesses server.

5.    Responsible to ensure that no unauthorized floppy/CDs are used in the system. He/she will facilitate Day Begin and Day End and also allocate work among PAs. He/she will take periodic backup in respect of all modules. He/she will maintain a log book for recording of operation of server.

6.    Responsible to report any break down/problems in the systems to Divisional Head.

7.    Responsible to ensure that systems are not misused by any official.

8.    Responsible to judiciously use the consumables and maintain stock register for all consumables and ensure that adequate consumables are held in stock.

9.    Responsible for not to divulge the supervisor’s pass word to any body and ensure that supervisory functions are done by him/her.

10. Personally responsible regarding maintenance of all statistical registers of various branches, safe custody of cash and stamps, correspondence, various stocks and general supervision.

11. Responsible to attend to references and enquiries, keep in custody of the complaints and suggestion book. Proper maintenance of various circulars.

12. Personally responsible for submission of various monthly, quarterly and annual statements.

13. Responsible to attend to bulk sale of stamps, treasury work with connected accounts matter and submitting daily accounts to Head post Office.

14. Personally responsible to supervise closing of bags containing insured articles and keep them in his/her custody until their dispatch.

15. Responsible to check stamp advances of the counter Postal Assistant daily.

16. Responsible to attend to SB and cash certificate claim cases.

17. Responsible to attend to acceptance of PLI premium/payment and connected transactions and maintenance of their schedules and records.

18. Any other duty assigned from time to time.

The above duties are not exhaustive.  Besides discharging routine Post Master
duties, we are also discharging duties by way of sale of prasadams, sale of mutual fund products, MMTS, WUMTS, Money Gram services, Sale of Gold Coins, Collection of data for Consumer Price Index, Booking and dispatch of Intermediate, 10th class exams, NIOS exams, sale of Applications of various university exams, sale of applications to different entrance exams etc.,.

Present Promotional Avenue:-

            Directorate had envisaged a separate promotional hierarchy for this cadre that after 6 years of continuous service in Gr.I PM cadre will get Gr.II PM, after completion of 5 years of service in Gr.II PM cadre will get promotion to Gr.III and after completion of 2 years of service in PM III cadre will get Senior Post Master promotion on seniority cum fitness basis.

  1. Post Master Gr.I posts                                 : 2097
  2. Post Master Gr.II Posts                                : 511
  3. Post Master Gr.III Posts                               : 495
  4. Senior Post Master Posts                           : 29 (out of 116, only 25% given to PM

            From the above calculation, we can come to a conclusion that out of 3103 Post Master cadre posts, only 29 Senior Post Master(Gazetted) was given. i.e. 0.93% only.  This is disappointing to the officials working in the cadre and also frustrating them to continue in the cadre.  Till 4th pay commission, LSG and Postal Inspector and HSG and ASP got same and identical scales.  From 5th pay commission disparity showing that Inspector cadre officials are exam passed candidates and LSG is only a promotion on seniority cum fitness basis.  Now these cadre officials are also selecting by Limited Departmental Competitive Exam which is conducting national wide and giving promotion upto Group-B level. Since many years, no promotional avenue is available in the Department for operative staff for getting Gr.B promotion except 6% GL quota in PSS Gr.B exam.  We should accept that IP and ASP officials are working in Administrative offices only not in Post Offices to know practical difficulties of a Post Office in the present competitive environment.  We are already shouldering responsibility on Post Masters in achieving targets in Speed Post, PLI, RPLI and in various schemes implemented at Circle Level.

Proposed cadre restructuring:-

No cadre review is taken place since many years in operative side.  Due to meager promotional opportunities, we are losing charming persons to attract to the Department.  A PA will get retire as PA only in our Department without any promotions though we are offering LSG, HSG-II promotions at the fag end of their retirement stage.  Hence, we are submitting following proposal for kind perusal and cause issue of suitable action favorably.

a)    Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- should be granted to Grade-I Post Masters. Because they are also sub-appointing authorities like IP/ASPs and they are also exam passed candidates.

b)    Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- should be granted to Grade-II Post Masters. This also can be supported that up to 4th Pay Commission HSG and ASP are having same and identical pay scales and they are also discharging sup-appointing authorities duties in addition to their normal duties.

c)    All 116 Senior Post Master posts should be given to Post Master Cadre officials only and 75% of that posts may be filled up through LDCE among the Post Master cadre officials who have completed 5 years of service.  Because, Directorate categorically stated that these cadre officials should continue in this hierarchy only not in general line. It is against the principles of natural justice to open these promotional channel to other cadre officials ie. IP cadre.  Because we have no chances to write PSS Group-B exam as per Post Master Recruitment rules.  In the light of their cadre restructuring proposal, this proposal may kindly be considered. To give fair and equal opportunities to the Post Master cadre officials it is justified.

d)    And, all Head Post Offices situated in District Head Quarters should be upgraded and identified as Senior Post Master with Grade Pay of Rs.4800/-.Due to these approximately 600 HOs will be identified as Gazetted Post Offices and these Senior Post Masters may be given to these cadre officials only and filled up by seniority cum fitness basis. For effective and better administration this will be very useful for the department in future to implement all kinds of projects under India Post, 2012 project.  So that the Divisional Heads will also get relieve from flood of work and they can bitterly monitor remaining entire division, effectively.  Further this will not hamper anybody’s promotional avenues.

Calculation for Para-4:- Already HSG-I or Grade-III Post Masters are working in the Head Post Offices. They are in Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- only.  If we identify these posts as Senior Post Masters and grant Grade Pay of Rs.4800/-, it will hardly increase

1.    Grade Pay                                   : 200
2.    Dearness Allowance                 : 180
3.    HRA                                             :   20 (10% of Basic Pay)

          TOTAL                              :  400/-

            Already we have 116 Senior Post Master posts at District Head Quarters only. Hence net effect will be applicable only to 484 posts only.

            Hence, 484X400=1,93,600/- per month extra expenditure will be incurred only.    This will comes an amount of 1,93,600x12= 23,23,200/- per year.(23 lakhs per year)

            Due to this out of 3103 posts available to this cadre officials, 600 Senior post master cadre posts will be available and the ratio of their promotions chance will also become 20% from present 0.93%.

Conclusion: Since many years operative staff are deprived of legitimate promotions and kept operative staff in dormant condition. Whereas other cadre officials  managed to get benefits in their favour periodically by lobbing through their official channels.  In all previous five cadre reviews, operative staff lost their many promotions by way of TBOP and BCR financial up-gradations besides surrendering posts for matching savings.  Now 6th cadre review is presently under consideration, last year this Association was called for to attend meeting in connection with Organizational Restructuring in Department of Posts and in the said meeting proposal for cadre restructuring for LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I was given.  Since we have received so many representations from Post Master Cadre officials and it reflects their aspirations towards organizational growth we hope positive response from the Department and give grand glory to Post Master Cadre to uphold true spirit of aspirations for creating this cadre.





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