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Civil Services Examination – Changes approved by the Government vide Notification dated 25th March, 2013 for CSE, 2013





ANSWERED ON-22.08.2013

Changes in Civil Service Examination


(a) whether Government has given approval to make changes in Civil Service Examination;

(b) if so, the details of changes made therein; and

(c) whether essential paper of English language has been dropped and if not, the reasons therefor?


Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)

(a): Yes, sir.

(b): The details of the changes are given in Annexure to this reply.

(c): No, Sir. English language continues to be an essential paper of qualifying nature of matriculation level, as before.


Item No.
System applicable upto CSE-2012
Changes approved by the Government vide Notification dated 25th March, 2013 for CSE, 2013
Essay Paper III: Essay of 200 marks with an Option to answer in any of the languages included in 8thSchedule of the Constitution or English
The Paper-III on Essay is of 250 marks now with an option to answer in any of the languages included in 8th Schedule of the Constitution or English.
General Studies Paper IV & V:There used to be two papers of General Studies of 300 marks each. The subject of paper-I included components such as, History of Modern India and Indian Culture, Geography of India, Constitution of India and Indian Polity and CurrentNational Issues and Topics of Social Relevance. Paper-II included component such as India and the World, India’s Economic Interaction with the World, Development in the Field of Science & technology, IT and Space, International Affairs and Institutions and Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams.
This was replaced with Paper-IV, V, VI & VII of General Studies carrying 250 marks each. The components of the subjects of the papers were the following: -
Paper-IV(Indian Heritage & Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society).
Paper-V(Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)
Paper-VI(Technology, Economic Development, Bio Diversity, Environment,Security and Disaster Management)
Paper-VII (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)
Optional Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX: There used to be two optional subject containing four papers of 300 marks each. The candidate had to choose any TWO subjects to be selected from list a list of 25 core subj.00000ects and literature of 30 languages, which made the total to 55 optional.
This has been replaced with Optional Paper-VIII & IX of 250 marks each. A candidate has to choose any ONE optional subject to be selected from list of 25 coresubjects and literatures of 22 languages, included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution and English.
Six Foreign languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Persian and Russian) and Pali have been deleted from the then existing list of Literatures of Languages. This makes a total of 48 optional subjects.
Personality Test/Interview: There used to be a Personality Test/Interview for 300 marks.
Personality Test/Interview: The Personality Test/Interview has been made of 275 marks.
Total Marks: 2300
Total Marks: 2025



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