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Filling up of Postmaster Grade III Posts: - According to the scheme, 
Postmaster Grade-III posts will be carved out only when the posts 
are filled up. As such, technically there is no Postmaster Grade III
 post in existenceAfter the finalization of HSG I Recruitment Rules
 and offered regular promotion to the present adhoc HSG I official 
and others, option will be called for among them whether they will 
for Postmaster Grade III. The posts will be filled up at first with the
 HSG-I officials opted for the cadre and the remaining Postmaster 
Grade III posts will be declared for promotion under the channel 
of Postmaster's cadre. After the creation of Grade III, the 
Department assured to consider the one time relaxation to fill up all the unfilled up 
Grade II & Grade III posts by relaxing the minimum service conditions required.


The Postmaster Cadre has been created by a Notification No. G.S.R 741(E) dated 09-09-2010 
by carving out posts from the existing General line posts in LSG/HSG-II /HSG-I.
 Whatever applicable to General line officials will be equally applicable to Postmaster Cadre 
also with a difference that the officials is POSTMASTER CADRE can be elevated to Sr. Postmaster
 position by virtue of seniority. The General line posts will be converted to Postmaster Cadre Posts 
only on assumption of officials who have opted to Postmaster cadre or passed a LDCE for Postmaster Cadre. 
Till such time these posts earmarked for Postmaster cadres are to be manned by general line officials 
and known as General Line posts.

Therefore the highlighted (RED) is a wrong presumption that the Postmaster Grade III posts will be 
carved out only when the posts are filled up. As such, technically there is no Postmaster Grade III 
post in existence.

Therefore, folks ! With reference ti order ni 12-2/2010/PE-1 GOI MOC and IT Dept of Posts, Dak Bhavan,
 Sansad Marg dated 03.02.2010 is self explanatory as the posts are already carved and all the circles 
earmarked the allotted number of Post offices and issued the list of identified post offices list in their
circle except the Sr. PM as it will be done by the Staff section in Directorate as it is an All India Cadre.

For PM Gr III as per the notification No4-17/2008-SPB-II,GOI MOC &I.T. Depaartment of Posts Dak Bhavan, 
Sansad Marg, dt 7/8.Feb.2011 in PARA – 4

The Circle are requested to immediately furnish the number of eligible official who have opted for 
appointment of PM Gr.III along with the comments of CPMG if any, lastest by 20.02.2011 to enable t
he Directorate to review the position and take appropriate decision in the matter. Pending the same t
hey are advised not to proceed further filling up the posts in the Postmaster Gr III under initial constitution.

Therefore the highlighted (blue) presumption below by Folks, smells some sort of diversion of the 
facts and line for the reasons unknown.

After the finalization of HSG I Recruitment Rules and offered regular promotion to the present 
adhoc HSG I official and others, option will be called for among them whether they will for
 Postmaster Grade III. The posts will be filled up at first with the HSG-I officials opted for the
 cadre and the remaining Postmaster Grade III posts will be declared for promotion under the
channel of Postmaster's cadre.

As of now, all the Circles and regions are rejecting the application for Adhoc for PM GR III for the
 above reason to keep the posting “Pending”. And when we compare the monetary loss if not opt for the
 PM cadre, we are getting reply that the HSG I RR are also under revision on the same line of PM
cadre and expressing that both the cadre and RR are different and not to compare.

Therefore, if fresh option is opened to the existing General line officials now in HSG-I either on Regular 
or Adhoc basis, such option should also be extended to those officials working in the erstwhile HSG-I (Adhoc), 
before introduction of the Postmaster Cadre, notionally promoting them to Regular HSG-I from the date on
 which his junior HSG-I (Adhoc) officials is given promotion to HSG-I (REGULAR) so that the inter-se 
seniority can be maintained without any injustice done to them.

courtesy punjab circle postmasters website


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