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AIAPS will submit the PM Cadre restructure revised proposal shortly.!!!

Dear Postmasters,
       We are all much aware that PM cadre restructure proposal was returned by the Department of Expenditure by mentioning not completion of 5 years by the newly created PM Cadre while it was submitted. Hence Department is in the move of resubmitting the cadre restructure proposal. 

     For that revised proposal was prepared by  the Team AIAPS and same shall be submitted to the directorate within 2 days. After submission scanned copy of the same shall be published shortly.

   At present draft copy was published below for the PM cadre officials kind reference.....

        The Honorable Secretary Posts,
        Department of Posts,
        Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
        New Delhi – 110001

Sub : Request to implement the Postmaster Cadre restructure immediately since glaring anomaly “One work two Pay” is raising because of not implementing the Postmaster Cadre restructure along with Group C cadre restructure- reg

Ref 1: This association letter even no AIAPS/GS/CHQ Corr/15-16  dated at New Delhi the 18.06.2016
Ref 2: Group – C cadre restructure D.G. Post letter No. 25-04/2012-PE-I dated 27th May, 2016.
Ref 3: Para ‘F’ of Cadre restructure bilateral agreement with department and staff side dated 28.04.2014

Respected sir,
        A kind reference is invited to the above references and vide              Ref 2, Group-C Postal wing cadre restructure order is released and LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I (NFG) posts are enhanced and their Grade Pay is upgraded for general line.

Vide Ref 3, it is assured that after implementation of cadre restructure in group-C, Postmaster cadre related cadre restructure also would have been examined in the light of the same.

Vide Ref 1, This association is also already requested to implement the Postmaster cadre restructure by enhancing and upgraded the Postmaster Grade I/II/III posts in the light of the same at Par with general line HSG II/HSG I/HSG I(NFG) posts as assured in the bilateral agreement.

But unfortunately, we came to know that Cadre restructure proposal was returned by mentioning that not completion of 5 years by the newly created Postmaster cadre while the proposal was submitted. As a result glaring anomaly is raising that general line posts shall be placed with G.P Rs.4200 and for the same work Postmaster line posts shall be placed with G.P Rs.2800. Now already 5 years 10 months were completed after the creation of Postmaster cadre hence to sort out the above glaring anomaly this association bring the fresh following proposal and few logical points for your benign consideration and early favorable orders please.


        1. In the Postmaster cadre creation introductory paragraph of Postal directorate, it was mentioned that in order to improve/upgrade the functioning of the Post Offices, meet the present day requirement of specialization in Postal office management in the wake of introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase productivity it has absolutely become essential to ensure that key Post Offices are headed by professional managers. Thus, in order to ensure that professionally qualified, trained and meritorious officials head the key Post Offices, it has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters comprising the following grades Postmaster cadre was introduced on 22nd November 2010, by carving out 1/3 of the already available general line supervisory posts with the following breakup figure posts.

Table 1 :

Sl. NoName of the postNo of posts allottedMethod of selection
1.Postmaster Grade I
“Group C cadre”
20975 years experienced Postal Assistants have to clear the Limited Department competitive examination with merit.
2.Postmaster Grade II
“Group B non gazetted cadre”
5116 years of Postmaster Grade I experience
3.Postmaster Grade III
“Group B non gazetted cadre”
4955 years of Postmaster Grade II experience
4.Senior Postmaster
“Group B gazetted cadre”
29 (25% of total no 116 Sr.PM posts)2 years of Postmaster Grade III experience

 2. As expected by the preamble of Postmaster cadre creation, in the wake of technology, Postmaster Grade I/II/III offices are running with professionally skilled incumbents and achieving the allotted targets to each and every corner of India. Postmaster cadre officials are in the good books of the department because of their progressive work and by the way they are professionally managing the key post offices.  We could see their glittering performances virtually through all the MIS of eService sites. But unfortunately even after 5 years 10 months from creation of the Postmaster cadre, nothing was given to boost the devoted and promising Postmaster cadre officials till now.

3. At present promotional opportunities and number of Posts to Postmaster Grade II/Grade III/Sr.PM are very meager, recently promoted Postmaster Cadre officials are in drench to get their next stage of promotion in the postmaster hierarchy because of acute stagnation.

4. In this juncture, if only general line posts are enhanced and upgraded without upgrading the Postmaster cadre which may add salt to the burning wounds. Postmaster cadre people shall be totally demoralized with lower pay for the same work.       

5. Vide Ref 3, our department is also gave assurance to implement the Postmaster cadre restructure on the light of the same with Group-C cadre restructure posts.

How PM Grade I post is differed with present General Line LSG post??

6. Postmaster Grade I post is differed with General line LSG post because of the following reasons…
  • As mentioned in the above table 1, LSG promotion is being given to the 5 years service completed senior PA officials whereas for Postmaster Grade I promotion is being given  to the 5 years service completed PA officials only after clearing the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) with merit.
  • So Postmaster Grade I posts should be definitely distinguished between LSG and Postmaster Grade I/II/III posts should be treated at par with HSG II/HSG I/HSG I(NFG) posts respectively.
  • To strengthen the above demand, by the virtue of Group-C cadre restructure also, now LSG posts are too upgraded as HSG-II posts in addition to ‘A’ Class offices.

7. So by considering above all facts, and as already assured by the Postal directorate in the bilateral agreement this association is systematically giving the following proposals to the hon’ble Secretary Posts, to implement the Postmaster Grade I/II/III restructure immediately in the light of the same with HSG II/HSG I/HSG I (NFG) cadre restructure as follows:

Proposal 1 :

Table 2:
CadreExisting Grade payRevised Grade PayRemarks
Postmaster Grade IRs. 2800Rs.4200Since norm based LSG posts are now upgraded as HSG-II with G.P Rs.4200 after Group- C cadre restructure and Postmaster Grade I posts are also carved out only from previous norm based LSG posts“Under same work same pay concept”
Postmaster Grade IIRs. 4200Rs.4600“Under same work same pay concept” at par with HSG II posts are now  upgraded as HSG-I with G.P Rs.4600.
Postmaster Grade IIIRs.4600Rs.4800“Under same work same pay concept” at par with some HSG I posts are now  upgraded as HSG-I(NFG) with G.P Rs.4800.
Senior PostmasterRs.4800Rs.54007th CPC is already upgraded the Grade pay of PSS Group B (identical cadre to Sr.PM). Hence to match up anomaly it is inevitable to upgrade the Grade Pay of the Sr.PM at Par with PSS Group B cadre.

Proposal 2 :

8. As per the relevant recruitment rules of Postmaster cadre 1/3 of HSG II/HSG I/HSG I(NFG) posts may kindly be enhanced to Postmaster Grade I/II/III respectively since LSG posts are now elevated to HSG II after cadre restructure. All the then administrative cadre Head post offices may kindly be identified as Senior Postmaster posts to maintain the pyramidal structure in promotion and to remove the bottle neck.

Table 3 :

Postmaster Grade IPostmaster Grade IIPostmaster Grade IIISenior Postmaster
Before cadre restructureAfter Cadre restructureBefore cadre restructureAfter Cadre restructureBefore cadre restructureAfter Cadre restructureBefore cadre restructureAfter Cadre restructure

  • 1/3 Posts of 8579 HSG-II posts may additionally be carved out for PM Grade I 
  • 1/3 Posts of 2123 HSG-I posts may additionally be out for PM Grade II
  • 1/3 Posts of 235 HSG-I (NFG) posts may additionally be carved out for PM Grade III
  • Previously 141 operative head post offices are manned by the administrative cadre(IP/ASP) officials. But those posts are now purely allotted to the General line officials. Since those posts are already having one or two HSG-I deputy postmasters, that office in-charge post should be higher than the HSG-I deputy postmasters i.e., as Senior Postmaster rank. Since those Sr.PM posts are purely in the hierarchy of Postmaster Cadre, those all the re-designating head post offices posts may kindly be allotted to Postmaster Cadre.

Proposal 3 :

9. To enhance the Postmaster Grade I/II/III/Sr. Postmaster posts the following strategies may kindly be adopted to the better and steady growth of our department.
Table 4 :
CadreTotal number of posts after cadre restructureAlready availableAdditional posts/offices should be identififed.
PM Grade I495720971/3 of  important A class offices may kindly be earmarked for PM Grade I.
For remaining posts, all the ASPM posts of PM Grade II offices may be earmarked for PM Grade I.
PM Grade II12195111/3 of newly upgraded HSG I may be additionally carved out for Grade II. 1/3 of the HSG I deputy postmasters may be identified as Grade II at HPOs
PM Grade III5734951/3 off HSG I(NFG) posts may additionally be carved out for PM Grade III and left out all the HPO Postmaster posts may be earmarked for PM Grade III.
Senior Postmaster17029All the 141 HPOs having Deputy Postmaster establishment and previously managed by the administrative line should be earmarked for Senior Postmaster cadre.

 Proposal 4 :

10. Vide proposal 3, till filling up the newly arising vacant Postmaster Grade I/II/III/Senior posts with relevant recruitment rules, if sufficient PM Grade I/II/III officials are not available then general line MACP II/III/HSG –II/HSG I senior officials may kindly be allowed to officiating those posts as like utilized while implementation of postmaster cadre during 2010.


11. Without implementing the above proposals it is not possible to implement the justified cadre restructure proposal among the employees of postal wing.

12. To honor the department call only General lines LSG officials were opted the Postmaster cadre, and for honoring the department call, Postmaster cadre cannot be on a biased side with lower pay for a same work.


So this association once again requests the hon’ble Secretary Posts, to do the needful to implement the above Postmaster cadre restructure proposal immediately along with Postal wing Group C cadre restructure to avoid the glaring anomaly of “one work two pay”.

Moreover ignoring the front runners of our department - Postmaster cadre officials which shall directly demoralize the already reaping progress growth of our department.

A line in reply would be highly solicited and in this regard this association may kindly be given with an appointment immediately with our All India Association of Postal Supervisors - representatives to discuss the above proposal matter in detail.

Enclosures: Cited above references 1, 2, 3

Thanking you.
Noida                                                                        Yours faithfully

    (Manoj Bhardwaj)


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