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AIAPS had submitted a letter to the directorate to request to implement the 7th CPC - honorable Chairman Recommendation by amending the Senior Postmaster cadre recruitment rules– reg

(Recognized by Govt. of India P & T Board New Delhi Order No. 13/28/68 SR dated 21.04.1970
CHQ : SRT Nagar P.O Building (IV floor). Opp. Meghdoot Bhawan, New Delhi-55

PRESIDENT                                       GENERAL SECRETARY                     TREASURER
K.T.SHESHADRI                         MANOJ BHARDWAJ            VINAY BHATNAGAR
Postmaster Grade I                                          A.P.M                                        S.P.M.DISTT BOARD P.
Egmore,– 600008 (T.N)                       NOIDA H.P.O– 201301(U.P)                  BIJNOR – 246701(U.P)
Mob:09444625336,                             Mob:09910889554, 09319317089      Mob : 09837123688
       09043927257                                       Landline:01342-28268
Ref: AIAPS/GS/Sr.PM RR amendment/16-17  dated at New Delhi   29th March 2017   
        The Honorable Secretary Posts,
        Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
        New Delhi – 110001

Subject: Request to implement the 7th CPC - honorable Chairman Recommendation by amending the Senior Postmaster cadre recruitment rules– reg
Reference 1: Postmaster Grade I/II/III/Sr. Postmaster cadre recruitment rules of Postal Directorate letter No.4-17/2008-SPB-II dated at Dak Bhawan the 22nd November 2010.
Reference 2: Para No. 11.8.18 of the 7th CPC report dated 19.11.2015.
Respected sir,

    1. A kind reference is invited to the above references for the above mentioned subject, from the creation of Postmaster cadre, nothing was given to boost the Promising Postmaster cadre officers and they are left with empty hands till now. Fortunately honorable justice Shri.A.K.Mathur Chairman of the 7th CPC honored one of the genuine demands of the Postmaster cadre and recommended to permit the Postmaster Grade II/III officials to appear in the Senior Postmaster LDC exam 75% quota. But Even after the lapses of one and half years from the 7th CPC report, Senior Postmaster Cadre recruitment rules are yet to be amended as per the recommendations of the honorable 7th CPC chairman. Because of that this association is receiving so many grievances from our staff side and to redress the same this association would like to bring the following few facts for your benign consideration and earliest amendment of recruitment rules please.

        2. In the Postmaster cadre creation introductory paragraph of Postal directorate, it was mentioned that in order to improve/upgrade the functioning of the Post Offices, meet the present day requirement of specialization in Postal office management in the wake of introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase productivity it has absolutely become essential to ensure that key Post Offices are headed by professional managers. Thus, in order to ensure that professionally qualified, trained and meritorious officials head the key Post Offices, it has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters comprising the following grades Postmaster cadre was introduced on 22nd November 2010,by carving out of the already available general line supervisory posts.

3. As expected by the preamble of Postmaster cadre creation, in the wake of technology, Postmaster Grade I/II/III offices are running with professionally skilled incumbents and each and every corner of India they are achieving the allotted targets. Postmaster cadre officials are in the good books of the department because of their progressive work and by the way they are professionally managing the key post offices. We could see their glittering performances virtually through all the MIS of eService sites.

4. For such promising Cadre, Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted) no of posts is very low. Promotional ratio to get the Group B gazette posts by the Postmaster cadre line officers are illustrated in the below table for the kind information of the postal directorate.

Table 1:
Postmaster Cadre line officers’ promotional opportunities:
Sl. No
Name of the post
No of posts allotted
Selection method
Postmaster Grade I
“Group C cadre”
5 years PA service in addition to LDC examination
Postmaster Grade II
“Group B non gazetted cadre”
Seniority cum fitness after 6 years Postmaster Grade I service
Postmaster Grade III
“Group B non gazetted cadre”
Seniority cum fitness after 5 years Postmaster Grade II service
Senior Postmaster
“Group B gazetted cadre”
29 (25% of total no 116 Sr.PM posts)
Seniority cum fitness after 2 years Postmaster Grade III service

5. Even though Senior Postmaster cadre is in the hierarchy of Postmaster cadre, just 29 posts are only allocated to the Postmasters, before 7th CPC report remaining 87 posts are allotted to the Inspector cadre. Because of that for every 107 Postmaster Grade officers, only one person can be getting the Group B Gazetted (Senior Postmaster) posts. (Promotional ratio is arrived from 3103:29)

6. One of this pathetic situation of postmaster cadre officers was projected to the honorable chairman of 7th CPC chairman and the honorable justice agreed the justification in this issue and vide above reference 2 of the 7th Central Pay commission report, mentioned that given the distinct emphasis on merit the demand of the Postmasters’ cadre seems justifiedand commission recommended to permit the Postmaster Grade II and Grade III officers to appear for LDCE along with Inspector (Posts) for the balance 75 percent of the Senior Postmasters’ posts.
Will this proposal affect the Inspector cadre line officers???

        7. No not at all. The following analytical report is submitted for the kind information of the Postal directorate.

        8. If the 75% of Senior Postmaster cadre posts LDC quota are shared with Postmaster cadre Grade II/III officers then Inspector line promotional opportunities would be affected in negligible manner only.

Table 2:
9. If 75% LDC quota of the Senior Postmaster posts are allotted to the Postmaster cadre officers then Inspector officers’ promotional opportunities are as follows:
Sl. No
Name of the post
No of posts allotted
Selection method
Inspector Posts
“Group C Non gazette cadre”
5 years PA service in addition to LDC examination
Assistant Superintendent Posts
“Group B gazetted cadre”
Seniority cum fitness after 5 years Inspector Posts service
Senior Postmaster
“Group B gazetted cadre”
87 (75% of LDC posts)
After 6 years completion of IP service along with Postmaster Grade II/III officers.

Superintendent of Posts
“Group B gazetted cadre” (PB-3)
75% by seniority from ASP officials
19% by LDC Exam from IP officials
Senior Supdt of Posts, “Group A gazetted cadre” (PB-3)
Seniority cum fitness after 2 years Superintendent of Posts or Senior Postmaster service
10. Even though all the Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted) posts are given to the Postmaster cadre officers even then for 2187 feeder cadre IP line officers, 2647 (1824 ASP posts + 823 PS Group B posts) Group B gazette posts are already available to Inspector Posts excluding Sr. Supdt of Posts cadre. It seems like than any other departmental cadres, surprisingly promotional cadres are more than the feeder IP cadre and IP posts:Group B promotional posts ratio is (1:1.21). For every 1 inspector cadre officer 1.21 Group B posts are available. So there would be not at all any negative impact to the Inspector line officers if those posts are shared with Postmaster cadre.

        11. Moreover while the department had sought the views and suggestions for the proposed PS Group B recruitment rules amendment this association submitted the detailed report with analytical information and claimed to fill up the 25% PS Group B posts by LDC exams from the Inspector line, Postmaster cadre line and as well as General Line LSG officers.

12. After implementing the suggestion of this association and as well as the recommendation of the 7th CPC honorable chairman, then the Inspector cadre line Group B gazette posts promotional opportunities would be as follows:

Table 3:
Sl. No
Name of the post
No of posts allotted
Selection method
Inspector Posts
5 years PA service in addition to LDC examination
Assistant Superintendent Posts
“Group B gazetted cadre”
Seniority cum fitness after 5 years Inspector Posts service
Superintendent of Posts
“Group B gazetted cadre” (PB-3)
75% (637 posts) by seniority from ASP officials
25% (212 Posts)by LDC exam from IP line/PM cadre line/LSG line officials
Senior Postmaster
“Group B gazetted cadre”
87 (75% of LDC posts)
After 6 years completion of IP service along with Postmaster Grade II/III officers.

Senior Supdt of Posts, “Group A gazetted cadre” (PB-3)
Seniority cum fitness through Supdt of POs officers.

13. Even though all the 75% LDC Senior Postmaster posts and 25% LDC PS Group B posts are not given to the Inspector cadre officers, there after too the Inspector cadre officers can get  2461 Group B gazette  promotional opportunities, (1824 ASP posts+637 Supdt. Posts). This time also surprisingly 2461 Group B gazette posts are already available to Inspector Posts. That too seems like than any other departmental cadres, more no of promotional posts are available than the feeder cadre and this time also Inspector posts:Group B promotional posts ratio is (1:1.2). For every 1 inspector cadre officer, 1.2 promotional posts are available. So there would be not at all any negative impact to the Inspector line officers if both LDC quota Senior Postmaster and PS Group B posts are shared with postmasters.

        14. Because of the above analytical and scientifical informations, IP cadre officers would NOT be affected in any manner if LDC posts are shared with Postmaster cadre officers.
15. In the changed scenario, because of the wake of technology, Inspector cadre duties are started to handed over to the Postmaster cadre officers one by one. In addition to that whenever any B.D activities and social welfare schemes are implemented in our esteemed department, Postmaster cadre officers are always standing top and done the excellent jobs and entire department had congratulated their efforts.

16. We have already seen the Postmaster cadre officer’s glittering performances in all the B.D activities like APY campaign (Kalyan City HPO - Maharastra), SSA campaigns, Sovereign Gold Bond sales campaign (Ramanathapuram HPO -TN, Madurai Bazaar S.O -TN).  While one cadre is doing excellent job with almost dedication and sincerity it is the duty of the apex body to offer them with good promotional opportunities. Right people’s rights should be protected and equally nourished.

17. So this association requests the honorable Secretary Sir, to immediately amend the Senior Postmaster cadre and PS Group B cadre recruitment rules as per the following prayers of this association to the equal nourishment of the promising Postmaster cadre of our department.

Prayer 1:
        18. As per the 7th CPC honorable chairman recommendation, 75% LDC exam quota Senior Postmasters 87 no of posts may kindly be allotted to Postmaster cadre also along with Inspector cadre officers. But because of the acute stagnation in Postmaster Grade I, many of the young Postmaster Grade I aspirants are hard to get the PM Grade II posts. So as like requiring 5 years LSG service to appear PS Group B post LDC exams by the LSG officials, Postmaster Grade officers also may kindly be allowed to appear LDC exams of the Senior Postmaster posts after completion of 5 years service in Postmaster cadre along with 5 years’ service completed Inspector line officers including ASP cadre officers. 25% Senior Postmaster posts may kindly be filled up with 2 years service completed Postmaster Grade III officers on seniority cum fitness basis.

Prayer 2:
        19. PS Group B recruitment rules may kindly be amended to the earliest by allowing the 5 years’ service completed postmaster cadre/LSG cadre officers to the 25% LDC exam quota along with 5 years’ service completed IP/ASP officers. 75% of PS Group B posts may kindly be filled up with ASP cadre officials after 5 years’ service.

Prayer 3:
        20. Till the amendment of Senior Postmaster cadre recruitment rules, Adhoc promotion may kindly be given to the Postmaster Grade III officers to Senior Postmaster vacant posts.
21. An early action for the favorable orders in this regard and a line in reply would be highly solicited sir.

        Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,


 Copy to,
        1. The ADG (GDS/PCC), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 for kind information and requesting early necessary action to implement the 7th CPC suggestion.

        2. The ADG (SPN), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 for kind information and requesting necessary early action in this regard.


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