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AIAPS has submitted the Reminder - I for PSS Group B Recruitment rules revision

        The Honorable Secretary Posts,
        Department of Posts,
        Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
        New Delhi – 110001

Respected sir,

        Subject : Revision/Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Postal Service Group ‘B’ and Sr. Postmaster cadre- reg

Ref 1: No.9-14/2010-SPG dated at Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg the 30th May 2016
Ref 2: This association even letter no AIAPS/GS/CHQ Corr/15-16 dated at New Delhi 20th June 2016 (Copy is enclosed for the quick reference)

1. Vide above reference 1, Postal directorate is itself sought the stake holders to submit the suggestions and comments regarding revision/amendment in PSS Group B recruitment rules to conduct the exams for the vacancies arising from 2016-2017.

2. Proposed PSS Group B recruitment rules are having very meager promotional opportunities to Supervisory cadre officials but face of the department is lying upon the supervisors and Postmasters only since they are only directly implementing all the flagship projects of our department. 

3. Vide above reference 2, this association is submitted the detailed representation with analytical informations to allocate 75% quota of PSS Group B posts to LSG/Postmaster Cadre line supervisory officials along with Inspector posts officials by LDCE as like 75% quota of LDCE posts of Senior Postmaster (which is purely in the hierarchy of Postmaster cadre line) are allocated to the inspector cadre officials.

4. The proposed PSS Group B recruitment rules and the existing Senior Postmaster cadre rules are containing the following number of posts.
Table :
No of officials
No of PSS Group B posts proposed
(total no of 750 posts)
No of Senior postmaster posts allotted(total no of 116 posts)
Total no of PSS Gr.B and Senior Postmaster posts

IP/ASP line officials
1 Post for 5 IP/ASP officials
LSG/PM cadre line officials
40563 (37431LSG + 3132 PM cadre)
Just 52 posts
Just 1 post for 780 supervisory officials

5. In the same time, this association is keenly watching the legal litigations filed by the Postmaster Cadre, inspector cadre, and as well as LSG cadre officers at various legal forums throughout the nation for their promotional posts quota disputes resulting acute stagnation in conducting PSS Group B exams and as well as Senior Postmaster cadre exams. 

6. PSS Group B exams and as well as Senior Postmaster exams could not be conducted for the last 4 years.

7. PSS Group B LDCE exams called for vide department directorate letter no F.No. A-34012/8/2016-DE Dated at Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg the 07th October 2016. This association came to know that for that exam too, some officials are filed the OA at various CATs. SLP filed at the honorable Supreme Court is also yet to be numbered.

8. In this juncture because of not conducting the above LDCE examinations, approximately 337 Group B gazette - Superintendent of Posts and Senior Postmaster cadre posts are remaining unfilled and public service is badly affected. Postmaster cadre, LSG line and IP cadre officials are also frustrated without any LDCE promotional opportunities.

9. As mentioned in our Reference 2, Till 4th CPC, Inspector cadre line and Supervisory cadre are equally nourished with the promotional opportunities. But after the wake up of TBOP/BCR and MACP I/II/III, LSG promotions are badly delayed and those officials have got their required eligibility service of LSG only during their final spell of service (Nearly after 50 years of age). So During the 5th and 6TH CPC timings, most of the Supervisory officials have not fought against the equal opportunities since they have got their required eligibility service during the end of their service. That time Inspector cadre officials are applied enough to increase their promotional opportunities. 

        10. Because of the above mentioned inequalities, meager ratio to supervisory officials and legal disputes department is facing spider web complications.  So this association is also came to the flexibility in our previous requests of reference 2, with the following revised prayers for the better public service by conducting the LDCE exams of PSS Group B exams and Senior Postmaster cadre posts without any legal disputes. All the other analytical informations are hold good in the reference 2 of this association.

a.   75% of Postal Service Group B posts (562 posts) may kindly be filled by the Assistant Superintendent of Posts officials after completing 6 years of ASP service through seniority cum fitness as like in the relevant recruitment rules.

b.   75% of Senior Postmaster posts (87 posts) may kindly be filled by the Postmaster Grade III officials after completing 2 years of service in Postmaster Grade III. Senior Postmaster Cadre recruitment rule has to be revised. 7th CPC also suggested to revise the recruitment rules of Senior Postmaster posts. (This association will submit the required proposal shortly)

c.    Remaining 25% LDCE quota of Postal Service Group B posts (188 posts) may kindly be filled by open competition among LSG line, Postmaster cadre Line and as well as Inspector cadre line officials after completing 5 years service in IP line and LSG cum Postmaster cadre line.

d.   Remaining 25% LDCE quota of Senior Postmaster posts (29 posts) may kindly be filled by open competition among LSG line, Postmaster cadre Line and as well as Inspector cadre line officials after completing their 5 years service in IP line and LSG cum Postmaster cadre line. (This association will submit a detailed proposal shortly to revise the Senior Postmaster post recruitment rules). 

11. The above proposal will eradicate all the disputes arose and will help to conduct the LDCE exams smoothly without any legal disputes. It is worthy to mention here that for both Supervisory and Inspector line, qualification is one and the same i.e., 5 years of Postal Assistant Service so nourishing one better and treating another worse would have been creating the inequality among identical cadres. So both Supervisory LSG/PM cadre line and Administrative IP/ASP line should be equally nourished with equal opportunities.

12. A line in reply would be highly solicited for the circulation of the Promising Supervisory cadre officers of our department.

Thanking you.
07.11.2016                                                             Yours faithfully,

                                                                          (Manoj Bharatwaj)

Copy to,
    The ADG(DE), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001 for the necessary early action please.

The ADG(SPG), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001 for the necessary early action please.


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