Procedure to find the no of accounts opened scheme wise in a month in DOP Finacle Generally in DOP we will submit the report number of accounts opened and number of accounts closed every month to DO. In DOP Finacle also we can generate the number of accounts opened scheme wise only not product wise. Most of them will have doubt what is scheme and what is product ? The answer to the above question is as follows in DOP Finacle we have different products such as SB,RD,MIS,TD,SCSS,NSC,KVP,PPF and SSA. For each product in DOP Finacle we have different schemes as mentioned below If we consider SB product we have following schemes in DOP Finacle they are list below. SBBAS-----Savings Bank-- Basic Account SBGEN--- Savings Bank---General--- Without cheque book SBCHQ---Savings Bank---General---With cheque book SBDIS--- Savings Account---Discontinued SBPEN---Savings Bank--Pensioners--Without cheque book SBPWC---Savings Bank---Pensioners--With cheque book S...
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