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Today we the postmasters in postmaster cadre are the centre point of concentration in administrative and other Unions sides. Administration is planning for over dosage of technology in the postal department and introduced in many offices. Now the process are watched centrally at all stages, administration is feeling the difference of the existence of postmaster cadre officials. In otherside, Unions are busy in canvassing our Postmaster by showing chocolates of the charter of demands they listed and pointing out their highly posted in the office  bearer list -names of Postmaster Cadre is seen.

In third front, a group of Postmaster are trying for seperate association of Postmaster Cadre and putting the active Postmasters in dormant conditions knowing their efforts is like sowing in the barren lands
Now our Postmaster friend is in dilemma,

1 we are really used by the department with less wages.
2.The federated unions are really our saviours
3. Postmasters seperate association will be formed and when.

Dear Friend, We accepted the terms and conditions of the cadre before appointment, except the first batch of Postmasters. Wages are not fixed by the DO/RO/CO. That are fixed by the constituted Pay commissions. We should know our place my dear friend.Because this cadre post we are recognized individually in the whole department. When we put up our demand in four monthly meeting which was held on June 18,2015 (How many of you know that such type of 4 monthly meeting with Chief by Postmaster Cadre official was held )Department is ready to assist each and every postmaster with their work demand. As we accepted initially to form a non federated association, we should plan parallel with the policy of the department. Our collective demand will be heard by the department when we are united in Maharashtra Circle. Our Hon..CPMG has assured for all eligible promotions good working environment for each Postmasters. What you have to do? We should represent collectively for the interest of the cadre. No individual interest does not matter here.

Most of our friends belief that other unions are in mass in number and they will only our saviour. Remember  my dear friend, the top most rank in that union is a PA under you if he/she will be posted in your office. They are eloberating the list of their charter of demand. But do you know what they discussed in the meeting? All you can see the report submitted by department for the cadre restructure. Nothing was concrete about the Postmaster cadre. Why and how this happend? In Pay Commission report they are comparing the pay scale of HSGI/II/LSG no seperate scale for Postmaster an Office inchrge. They could not, because, they have to maintain their policy guide lines. Now this tme for them to increase the membership for verification. So they are approching and be friending with you. Dont get betrayed my friend.

We the Maharashtra circle went to the peek of formation of a seperate association, Maharashra circle, put the front foot in this task.No support from any so called leaders in your what sup group and self maintained blogs for all the circles. no communication from them.only we got was social media chatting encouragement and pavilion shouts. we went the Dak Bhavan to meet DG and ADG. There we come to know, formation of association for Postmasters is a dream. Because department have approved slots of cadre wise unions by DOPT. In that our cadre fits in the supervisory slot. They ask us to occupy the slot of ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF SUPERVISIORS (GL) When we asked about the name if association is not reflecting the cadre. We were told latter on we will change the name of the association and you can communicate for the grievances of your cadrethrough this platform. Eventhough we tried our best to achive for the seperate assciation. when this task was on the way, VII Pay commission and Cadre recoganised were on the pipe line at central, Rotational transfer and ad hoc promotions are at our circle level. We decided to hold second all India conference at Jaipur.  We invited General Secretary of the Supervisory association at the meeting At that meeting  the efforts and sacrifices by the Postmasters of Maharashtra circle was questioned and they poured water on our efforts. We listed the benefits of being member and occupyig the supervisor association to all the attendees. But That went vein. (Only AP and Telengana, Karnataka circle Postmasters adopted our suggestion at the conference and they are successfuly running the association.)  They asked our resignation, we immediately gave because to serve the Maharashtra circle.

Why this long information, Betrayal even comes from our friends side also my dear friend. When department says and showing our slot, why the front runners in Postmaster cadre is making your strength in dormant condition. Think....We took risk for the development of Postmaters of Mahrashtra, you are collecting money and paying for the cause which de strengthen in you personally and in work field. Your brothers are sacrificing for your welfare and your are supporting the negative side. Lets come together to strength the Postmasters of Maharashtra for the welfare of you and all.

We have already formed one approved committee in Circle level. Form regional level committe to take up the issues. Fill up declarations form for our recognized association. Do not submit dual forms. submitted forms for the postmaster cadre is not calculated as that is not recoganized.  Be united we are fighting for you. Do not get confused. The office bearers list of circle level comittee  along with copies of Circle office letter for approval, invitaion letter of Circle office for First Ever Four Monthly Meeing with Hon.CPMG of PostMaster Cadre is already posted in this blog.

Who knows the future ,(after All are Giving Assurance only) as already Department is not interested in creating another Association, Why not to use the already created Platform of Association of Supervisors  (GL) , Be a Member ,Lets join together to strenghthen our power..............Create the Golden Glory of Postmaster Maharashtra.

All Postmaster in Maharashtra Circle pl fill up the declaration form available in this blog Today

Expecting your whole hearted support ,

Jai Hind.
Jai Maharashrastra.


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