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Now it is being noticed that our old pathfinders become hyperactive not only for taking up our issues with the Directorate, but also highlighting our matters through different channels like Blogs, Journals etc who once described the order for creation of Postmaster Cadre as a “Retrograde Decisions- Denial to the seniors”. If it would be possible at this moment, they would visit the Directorate both in the morning and evening and cry for the Postmaster Cadre.  This kind of action on their part is quite natural. It may be construed as their desperate efforts to regain the sympathy of Postmaster Cadre. It reveals from the history that they never like intelligent people. To them seniority is always preferable than merit. To them same rate is applicable for all commodities which is practically unnatural.
“Democracy” is a great term that perhaps does not suite in their voice. They are habituated to tighten the neck of “Democracy” in their activity in the field. Owing to their hatred policy, if the Postmasters want to associate, want to express their independent opinion and want to take up their own issues with the Directorate – Is there anything wrong? Is there anything unconstitutional? Instead they are being levelled with “some unconstitutional terms”. They didn’t show minimum courtesy towards us. Are we deserved for that? Are we really what they described us?
Here we like to clear some their recent half-true and misleading propaganda:
Firstly, with a view to earn our sympathy, they have written in an important journal that three years service in LSG is enough for becoming eligible for promotion to HSG-II. We request them from where they have collected such information?
Secondly, achievement of 100% computerisation in Post Offices was a gradual process. Before 2004, several efforts of the Department were going on vein in absence of right leading workforce towards consistency in computerisation. It gained a strong willful force after joining of FTP LSG officials in 2004 (At that time they came with cannon to fire the LSG FTP officials). Offices under the charge of FTP LSG officials were 100% computerized at the first instances. It was the combined sincere efforts of both the FTP LSG officials and the system assistants. Thereafter, showing the result of computerization under the FTP LSG officials as example, other offices were being computerized step by step in phase manner with the dedicated, sincere works of the system assistants and the Department achieved the target of 100% computerization.
Now more advanced leading workforce (Postmaster Cadre) has been entered into the scene and shouldered the responsibility of carrying out the DOP to the next higher level i.e. GenNext at base level at all of its important points of presence and terminals.
A good number of SA has now chosen Postmaster Cadre as their career owing to their frustration due to repeated exploitation. It is well known that entire Postmaster Cadre excels from General Line Postmasters for their quality in respect of their technological knowledge, marketing skill and pioneering activity in implementation of various schemes and projects of the Department which is essential for survival of the DOP in present day scenario. Naturally higher pay scale is fully justified for Postmaster Cadre.
It is obviously written in the various manuals and orders of the DOP that the duties performed by “General Line Postmasters” and the “Postmasters in Postmaster Cadre” are one and same. But the fact is that only a few “General Line Postmasters” are practically able to perform such duties. Most of them depend on others like PAs, MTSs, SAs etc for execution of their day to day duties. By this way they are weakening the Department too gradually. However, we support enhancement of pay scale for the able General Line Postmasters also as they are being equally exploited too like us. At this juncture, we should leave the orthodox pragmatic idea in every sphere of our life and be practical towards survival of our department and thereby our survival too.
Again it will be more logical to say that the duties performed by “General Line Postmasters” and the “Postmasters in Postmaster Cadre” are one and same in kind but not in quantity and quality. Managing a single / double/ triple handed POs and managing a large office is completely different and thus their pay should also be commensurable. Are the Managers of Rural Banks are paid same salary as are being paid to the Managers of Nationalised Bank? Are the Managers of small branches a Nationalised Bank are paid same salary as are being paid to the Managers of large Branches of same Nationalized Bank?
Since the duties performed by “General Line Postmasters” and the “Postmasters in Postmaster Cadre” are not one and same practically, thus, the DOP may prepare and submit a fresh proposal to the DoPT and the proposal for higher pay scales  for Postmaster Cadre will no way violate the Apex Court’s order of “equal pay for equal work”.
Therefore, friends! Don’t come under such half-true misleading information which is nothing but the Crocodile’s Tears with a view to earn our sympathy in the eve of Indefinite Strike proposed from 06/05/2015.


  1. Dear Sirs,
    Postmasters grade officials are really required to be paid higher pay than the general line postmasters since they have passed a competitive examination. But all the postmaster grade official really do not deserve this as they are sherking their responsibilities and causing much dislocation to the customers whom they are expected to serve better then a general line postmasters as they are well versed with the latest modules of the modernised department of posts.If such people rectify themselves and serve to the satisfaction of the customers then the hike in pay is genuine.
    v.k.ravichander, retired postmaster(HSG-I) FTP
    Hyderabad Mob: 9247497075


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