DEPARTMENT OF POSTS – INDIA Office of the Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad – 500 001. 21.07.2014 PART-I The Competent Authority has ordered the following re-allotment and posting in the cadre of LSG Accountant and posted as mentiond below. Sl.No. Name of the official S/Sri Region in which working Place of Posting ordered in Hyderabad City Region 1 Smt. N.Manjula Kavitha, APM Accounts, Mahabubnagar H.O. Mahabubnagar Division. Hyderabad Region APM (Accounts), Hyderabad Jublee. H.O. . The above transfer is at the request of the official and She is entitled for TA/TP PART-II In pursuance of orders contained in Cicle Office Memo No. ST/6-3/ LSG Actts/delgs/2014 dated 08.07.2014,The Competent Authority has approved promotion to the following Posta...