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Government Of India
Ministry Of Communications & IT
Department Of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001
Dated: 09.10.2013
Postmaster General
North East Circle
Shillong – 793001


This has reference to your office letter No. Staff/175 -SEL / 2013 dated 29.08.2013 on the subject cited above.

2. In this context, it may be clarified that the Scheme was initially introduced in case of GDS subject to the same condition applicable to regular employees under No. 43-212/79/Pen dated 04.08.1980. With the introduction of the merit points and procedure for selection under letter of even number dated 14.12.2010 as amended from time to time, all conditions applicable to compassionate appointment scheme relating to regularemployees continue to apply in matters the Scheme does not envisage a specific provision in the context of compassionate engagement of a dependent of the GDC [in case of death only].

3. However, the doubts raised are clarified as under, which are in conformity with the provisions applicable to regular employees:-
S,NO. Point of doubt Clarification

1 Whether in case of death of GDS staffs, some points/score system for “outstanding liabilities for Education/Marriage of dependent children” “will be similarly applicable to unmarried sisters (Whether minor or major) in case of unmarried deceased official? Yes. Brother or sister in case of unmarried GDS are considered as dependent family members for the purpose of consideration of engagement on compassionate grounds.

2 In a case where the son of the deceased official who is applying for the job have attained majority age, working as cultivator, married and is having children residing with the family of the deceased, will he, his wife and children be considered as dependent of the deceased official or only he will be considered (without considering his wife and children as dependent) for earning points/scores for compassionate appointment? None. A married son is not considered dependent on a GDS.

3 What is the definition of family for considering compassionate appointment cases, whether grandchild/grandchildren of the deceased official (blood relation) will also be considered part of the family of dependent/liability for education and marriage (in case granddaughter) for earning points/scores for compassionate appointment? No. The Scheme was initially introduced in case of GDS subject to the same conditions applicable to regular employees under No.43-212/79/Pen dated 04.08.1980. The term defined in case of regular employees holds good in case of GDS also. Grandchild/children are not considered dependent on a GDS, Dependent family member for the purpose means:
(a) Spouse; or
(b) Son (including adopted son);or
(c) Daughter (including adopted daughter); or
(d) Brother or sister in case of unmarried GDS

4 Whether brother also is a dependent of the deceased official and if so up to what age he will be considered dependent and will he be entitled for points/scores for all liabilities? Unmarried brother is considered dependent in case of unmarried GDS irrespective of age provided he was wholly dependent on the GDS at the time of his/her death & he must support other dependent members of the family & thus entitles to points/scores for all liabilities.

5 In case of an unmarried daughter/Son residing with the family and who have discontinued study at the time of death of the deceased official, whether education will be taken as liability and if so, up to what age? No. Points will be allowed in those cases only where the dependent family member was undergoing education at the time of death of the GDS.

6. Whether divorced daughter returning to the family with children will be entitled for Points/ Scores for unmarried liability for her subsequent ,marriage? Yes.

7 Whether in case of death of departmental staff, the status of an only married daughter with husband staying with the family (with no other family member) of the deceased departmental official will be entitled to compassionate appointment in case of death of her father (a case of Meghalaya) ? So far as the matter is confined to compassionate engagement of dependent of the GDS is concerned, married daughter can be considered for compassionate engagement provided she was wholly dependent on the GDS at the time of his /her death in harness and she must support other dependent members of the family

4. Contents of this letter may please be disseminated to all concerned. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GD)


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