7th Pay Commission Questionnaire – Ratio of Minimum & Maximum Salary, Grade Pay Suggestion, Increment Date, Determination of HRA and NPS... GOVERNMENT OF INDIA SEVENTH CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION NEW DELHI-110001 Meena Agarwal Secretary D.O No. 7CPC/15/Questionnaire 9th April, 2014 Dear ……….., As you may be aware the Seventh Central Pay Commissions has been constituted by the Government on 28 February 2014 with a view to go into various issues of emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required. The terms of reference of the Seventh Central Pay Commission are available on the http://7cpc.india.gov.in . 2. A Questionnaire seeking the considered views of all stakeholders is enclosed. The response of your Ministry to this Questionnaire is sought. I shall be grateful if the replies are furnished to the Commission on or before 10th May, 20...